
Archive for October, 2010|Monthly archive page

How to Pick A Literary Agent

In Uncategorized on October 12, 2010 at 6:55 pm

I am often on different blog sites, which inform me that new literary agents are looking for work.  All of this is spectacular, but at the same time makes an already seemingly impossible situation more impossible.  Why is this you say?  Well, after I have gone to the literary agency’s site, I can see that there are a few agents open to submissions.  One agent says they are looking for women’s fiction, yet the other agent says they love to laugh.  Well, considering my book is a humourous women’s fiction story, how am I suppose to choose?

I am only allowed to submit to one agent there and they assure me that if it is not right for them, but they think it will be right for someone else, they will pass it along.  But will they?  If I have not won them over will they think it will be someone else’s cup of tea?

All thoughts… no answers…

Anyone have any suggestions/comments?

-Emily Harper

October 12 2010