
Writer’s Inspiration

In Uncategorized on February 20, 2011 at 10:58 am

Look here every Saturday for a weekly writing exercise that will get you warmed up and inspired to return to your novel. Who knows, it could turn out to be your next short story or even the next chapter of your novel! When you complete the exercise, share it with us by posting it on our blog as a comment.
This week’s activity:

You are a disgruntled Tooth Fairy. You can’t understand why Santa and even the Easter Bunny get more attention than you. You just visited twins who expected $20 per tooth. Start with: I can’t believe…

Good luck!


This week’s inspiration is taken from the book, The Write Brain Workbook, by Bonnie Neubauer.

Writer’s Inspiration

In Uncategorized on February 12, 2011 at 9:23 pm

Look here every Saturday for a weekly writing exercise that will get you warmed up and inspired to return to your novel. Who knows, it could turn out to be your next short story or even the next chapter of your novel! When you complete the exercise, share it with us by posting it on our blog as a comment.
This week’s activity:

Write a Valentine’s Day letter to the wealthiest person you’ve ever heard of. Butter them up big time, flatter them to your heart’s content, and then ask for something outrageous!

Start with:

Dear ________,
You are, without a doubt, the most…

Good luck!


This week’s inspiration is taken from the book, The Write Brain Workbook, by Bonnie Neubauer.

Writer’s Inspiration

In Uncategorized on February 5, 2011 at 12:54 pm

Look here every Saturday for a weekly writing exercise that will get you warmed up and inspired to return to your novel.  Who knows, it could turn out to be your next short story or even the next chapter of your novel!  When you complete the exercise, share it with us by posting it on our blog as a comment.

Just head outside to get some inspiration for this week’s exercise:

DON’T use any of these words in your story:  COLD, CHILL, SNOW, ICE, SLEET, FLURRY, WINTER, FREEZING, SHIVER.

Start with: We arrived in the Arctic at noon and immediately ventured out into the 30 feet of blinding white…

Good luck!


This week’s inspiration is taken from the book, The Write Brain Workbook, by Bonnie Neubauer.